SEX BEAST DAD Woman raped by long-lost dad a year after meeting him at age 15 caught him by bravely taping his sick confession

A BRAVE woman who was raped by her long-lost dad at age 16 has told how she nailed him by secretly taping him confessing to his sick crime.
Stacey Donaldson, 28, from Scotland, had grown up with her mum and step-dad, believing father Ian Donaldson, now 57, was dead.
But a year after reuniting with him, the beast drugged her with a strong painkiller before pouncing on her as she lay on the couch.
Unable to live with what he’d done, Stacey visited Donaldson with a hidden dictaphone and recorded him admitting to his vile crime.
Donaldson, then 51, was found guilty of two counts of rape in April 2011 – one of which was another woman whom he preyed on almost 10 years earlier – and was sentenced to seven years in prison.
Shockingly, Donaldson is now out of prison and, according to Stacey, lives less than two miles away from her.
Stacey, who has waived her right to anonymity to share her harrowing story, said: “While he is carrying on with his life, pretending nothing ever happened, I have to live with the painful memories and now the anxiety of seeing him at any moment.”
She told how she met her dad properly for the first time when she was 15.
“He was so happy to see me,” Stacey recalled.
“He said it had been heartbreaking not seeing me grow up. He told me he had a drink problem, but he seemed nice and we started meeting up several times a week.
“My mum wasn’t happy I was seeing him, warning me he was bad news, but I refused to believe it. He was my dad after all.”
But weeks later she said she began to notice his drinking as he would make nasty comments and suffered dreadful mood swings.
One day he told me I was not his daughter,” she explained.
“But as the day went on, he drank more and more until his mood flipped and he was crying, begging for forgiveness.
“Despite going into rehab and getting sober, he soon slipped into his old ways and often when I saw him, he was glugging vodka straight from the bottle.”
One afternoon, when Stacey was 16, she told how she was watching TV at her dad’s when he told her out of nowhere that he thought she suffered from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
“I said I didn’t think so, but he told me he had pills that would help and put two tablets in my hand,” she said.
“When I hesitated, he said, ‘Trust me Stacey, I’m your father’.”
Stacey told how she became drowsy and fell asleep on the sofa, before waking up to find her dad lying on top of her.
“He pulled at my clothes as I tried to push him off me, but he was too strong,” she said.
“I screamed for him to stop and get off me, but he ignored my pleas and raped me. Then he went upstairs to bed.
“I was left feeling confused and disgusted, and messaged a friend to come and pick me up.”
Stacey told her what had happened and swore her to secrecy.
She recalled: “That night, I lay in bed crying and feeling sick.
Next day, Dad kept texting me asking me to go and see him. I ignored his messages. I didn’t want to see Dad ever again, let alone speak to him.
“Days later, he finally left me alone and I was so relieved.
But the sick memories were always there and I started drinking to try and block out what he’d done.
“When I was 17, Dad started phoning me and turning up at places where he knew I would be, telling me he loved me and what he’d done was all in my head.”
By the time she turned 18, Stacey couldn’t live with her vile secret anymore and hatched a plan to get him out of her life for good.
She told how she visited Donaldson out of the blue and asked him to tell her why he had sex with her against her will – with a recording device in her pocket.
Stacey said he replied: “Because I’m a bam (a Scottish term for being below average mentality) and because of the drink.”
The following day she went to the police station and told them everything.
Donaldson denied the charges. Stacey told how she broke down in court as she gave evidence explaining what he’d done.
The court also heard how he raped his first victim in 1997, as she lay asleep after a night drinking.
Prosecutor Andrew Stewart QC said Donaldson had taken “two girls filled with happiness and hope” and “turned their dream into a nightmare”.
Stacey said: “Finally, I had got justice. I was so glad I had taken it into my own hands, to get the proof I needed.
“But it didn’t mean I could simply forget. I was left with anxiety and depression and it was often a struggle to even get up in the mornings.”
Stacey went on to become a care supervisor for vulnerable adults and met her life partner.
But one day while walking through town, she froze as she spotted Donaldson on the street.
She said: “I pretended I hadn’t seen him, but he came over, put his rucksack on the ground in front of me and sniggered.
“I felt sick. I’d been told he wasn’t allowed anywhere near me after he’d served his sentence.


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